About Soul Evolution Healing
A Sacred Healing for the Soul
The Three represents the unmatched, unprecedented Three Sacred Energies of The Divine, The Christ Light and The Atlantean. For the first time in energetic healing history, they combine to achieve this groundbreaking healing process. There is no other Soul Healing in the world that heals at this level, depth and detail. No other Soul Healing that retrieves the Soul Fragments from their entrapment. Soul Evolution Healing frees the soul from all suffering accrued in past and present lives. When the past life where the suffering originated is released and healed, your authentic self is free to express its full divinity and live its purpose in this current and all future incarnations.

In two healing sessions, The Freedom and The Align, your Soul is freed from the suffering of the past which is an act of self-love. There is no need for suffering. It has been the choices of the ego based in fear that has created the continued torment lifetime to lifetime. The way forward to breaking karmic patterns, is to eliminate the human suffering to allow the Soul to continue to grow and evolve.
The Soul only requires the experiences to learn the lessons for its growth and ascension. It is the human ego that perpetuates the suffering so that it may justify the fear-based decisions and choices it made in past lives. Ending the struggles of the past, sets the Soul and heart free, to open to love and allow the full connection to the authentic self and the Divine.
Awaken, raise your vibration, embrace your evolution
Imagine your Soul being free from all the pain and suffering it has endured in past lives and your current life. Imagin it being free to find and manifest its Divine purpose and live the life it is on earth to as its expresses and shares its divine gifts to assist the evolution of earth plane. This is the story of a Soul’s Journey to freedom for now and all future lives.
The eBook is available via the link below.
The future of energetic physical healing has arrived. Supported by Nantah’s thirty years of professional healing experience, merged with the unmatched three sacred energies, this powerful energetic level of physical healing called Renew and Gene Healing is now available. The powers of the Divine Love a& Light never ceases to amaze and astound us. Miraculous is an understatement.
Available in eBook via the link below.