Free Your Soul

The Soul’s desire is to free itself from the situations that keep it trapped in suffering and repeated incarnations to evolve to higher consciousness.


Freedom is the desire of the Soul; Karma is the creation of the ego.

Healing and clearing the past life that has initiated all the individuals’ karmic patterns, and beliefs that they are struggling with but are unaware of the root causes. Your Soul has lived many lifetimes and to know these can be healed and cleared is an awakening. How does our Soul remember past lives? The Soul has its own memory system which is separate from the human consciousness. Within the Soul’s memory is the energetic record of every experience, event, emotion, and belief it has gathered and held from every lifetime.

When the Soul incarnates into a physical body its full energy system (chakras and subtle bodies) become the exact replica of the physical body and the energetic memories the Soul is holding then merges with the DNA and subconscious mind.

Your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels are all influenced with the Souls memories and every external trigger that relates to the past life suffering the Soul experienced, ignites the karmic pattern into your current life, thereby setting the suffering cycle in motion again.

Through this unmatched energy healing technique, the Soul’s suffering is ended, and it is free to express itself as it is destined to do and become its true authentic self.

Next the Soul Fragment/s are Retrieved. As the Soul experiences life traumas or extremely distressing situations, one or more fragments can break away from the Soul and remain with that event until it is discovered, healed and retrieved.

You will receive the recording of this session immediately following which offers further healing. This session is 1:1 remote energy healing.

NB: This healing is NOT diagnosing or treating any specific health issues. All participants are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with their own medical treatments and care throughout the healing and beyond. We provide information for ongoing care of your new energy vibration. It is the individual’s choice to follow or not.

“There is much work to be done. So many Souls’ need the help, they need to return to their connection to the divine. Their suffering has gone on too long. It is the emotional trauma energy that remains within the Soul’s energy system. The events of past lives remain in the memory, and when the Soul integrates into the physical body at birth there’s a transference, and the past becomes real again. Patterns will be re-created and continued to be re-lived in the current incarnation.

Channelled by Archangel Jophiel

About Nantah

Nantah’s journey with the Christ Light began many eons and many lifetimes ago, and in this present incarnation has fully manifested. Through her commitment to the path of Light, she has conquered her life lessons and become a Master. This was her first achievement.

Then she began her ascension process. Throughout the development of the Soul Evolution Healing, the Renew Healing, Nantah’s personal healing continued, and her soul evolution was raised at the same time. Her vibration changed to higher levels enabling the full embodiment of the Christ Light to occur.

The Soul Evolution and the path of ascension are the keys to the higher vibrations, the higher consciousness, the Oneness, the universal mind of Source.

From a period of cleansing and initiations during the development of the healing programmes, Nantah was then fully embodied with the Christ Light which is the key to these healings and to the greater, unlimited opportunities in the universe.

The healings are brought to you through the Christ Light of unconditional love and peace and to free the souls and the physical vessels from all suffering from all lifetimes, past, present and future. No other holds this privilege, it was not given, it was earnt from the times of Atlantis.  

Channelled by The Ancient Ones