
This session fully aligns the Soul on all its multidimensional levels to The Divine, so that it is genuinely free to be its true authentic self.


Align to your Divine authentic self and become who you truly are.

Clean balanced life force energy is vital to everyone’s health and wellbeing. It is as essential as breathing fresh unpolluted air. The aura, made up of the subtle bodies of the Soul, collects negative junk from the negative self-talk, the environment, and others negative emotions. This is drawn in through the chakras and become energy blocks and eventually can create illness.

From the first session of Soul healing, there has been negative energy released as the Soul is shedding the old to make way for the new energies to be infused in all its energy systems i.e.: chakras and subtle bodies, to rejuvenate the Souls vital life force.

The pure life force energy infused in the Souls full energy systems comes from the crystals energy that are activated by the practitioner. The Soul is called by the practitioner to the Crystal Dome of Atlantean energy, where it is surrounded and bathed in the energy of the crystal’s that are relevant to the Souls requirements.

After the cleansing of the residue negative energy the Soul is then ready to receive the final balancing, which is facilitated directly with Source/Creator/God itself. The Soul is then returned to its full energy systems, cleansed, balanced and in perfect alignment with its Higher Self and Divine connection. The Atlantean Crystal Dome Healing is unmatched, powerful, and incredibly nurturing and gentle.

You will receive a recording immediately following this session. This session is 1:1 remote energy healing.

NB: This healing is NOT diagnosing or treating any specific health issues. All participants are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with their own medical treatments and care throughout the healing and beyond. We provide information for ongoing care of your new energy vibration. It is the individual’s choice to follow or not.

You’re an infinite Soul, a spark of Divine consciousness.

About Danielle

Danielle’s background is that of the business world and corporate world, not of a Spiritual world on Earth. Her curiosity and listening to her Soul’s calling have all been in play for many many years.

Since meeting Nantah in 2008, Danielle has undergone and committed to a healing path for herself, as she realised that she could not heal on her own and needed assistance. Her curiosity, her passion and the listening to her Soul was heard.

After 15 years of learning and healings and at different times for different matters of the heart and of the Soul, Danielle was watching as Nantah put the healing opportunities together. She understood on an innate level all the matters that Nantah was speaking about, but did not realise that her own gifts, as given by Source, the Divine, would become activated to become a part of The Three Healing. For service to the Divine is the highest honour one can have, this was not expected, this was not understood but a series of events enabled this to occur.

Danielle channels from a great Ascended Master and her gifts have continued to grow through her commitment and work to evolve. This was required as the level of Atlantean Light she embodies, and channels is unmatched. Danielle is now a very accomplished direct voice and healing channel.

Danielle had been invited to be part of The Three Healing by Source. Nantah and Danielles Divine blueprints had fully incarnated, Danielles was the last. She did not expect this at all and she was very pleased to watch others and recognise their gifts, but could not recognise what was in herself.

It took Nantah some time and patience for Danielle to see and start working with her gifts. This was requested by Source, for these ladies to be in service together for the Divine, for the Divine to help end the suffering of Souls and their physical vessels.

It is an honour and a privilege for Danielle to be chosen to do this work and spirit await and marvel at how the energies with all three combines, to finally end the suffering of the Soul.

This message was channelled by Danielle from a great Ascended Master.

It’s time to come home!

Become the essence of who you are. Become your most authentic self.

Clear the past, become grounded in the present and have clarity for your future.