Free Your Soul
The Soul’s desire is to free itself from the situations that keep it trapped in suffering and repeated incarnations to evolve to higher consciousness.
Freedom is the desire of the Soul; Karma is the creation of the ego.
Healing and clearing the past life that has initiated all the individuals’ karmic patterns, and beliefs that they are struggling with but are unaware of the root causes. Your Soul has lived many lifetimes and to know these can be healed and cleared is an awakening. How does our Soul remember past lives? The Soul has its own memory system which is separate from the human consciousness. Within the Soul’s memory is the energetic record of every experience, event, emotion, and belief it has gathered and held from every lifetime.
When the Soul incarnates into a physical body its full energy system (chakras and subtle bodies) become the exact replica of the physical body and the energetic memories the Soul is holding then merges with the DNA and subconscious mind.
Your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels are all influenced with the Souls memories and every external trigger that relates to the past life suffering the Soul experienced, ignites the karmic pattern into your current life, thereby setting the suffering cycle in motion again.
Through this unmatched energy healing technique, the Soul’s suffering is ended, and it is free to express itself as it is destined to do and become its true authentic self.
Next the Soul Fragment/s are Retrieved. As the Soul experiences life traumas or extremely distressing situations, one or more fragments can break away from the Soul and remain with that event until it is discovered, healed and retrieved.
You will receive the recording of this session immediately following which offers further healing. This session is 1:1 remote energy healing.
The healing begins with an introduction video to introduce us, followed by a ‘What to expect’ video on commencing.
“There is much work to be done. So many Soul’s need the help, they need to return to their connection to the divine. Their suffering has gone on for too long. Traditional Past Life Healing does not clear the trauma, the emotions attached to the events of the past. It is the emotion trauma energy that remains within the Soul’s energy system. The events of what happened remains in the memory, and when the energy system of the Soul integrates into the physical body and become one at birth there’s a transference, and all of it becomes real once again. Patterns will be re-created and continued to be re-lived in the current incarnation.”
Ascended Master of the Sixth Ray
About Nantah
I am the Founder of The Three. My first spiritual awakening occurred at three years of age. I connected with Multidimensional Light Beings who became my teachers, protectors, supporters, and family. The journey of my life mission had begun.
From humbled beginnings my journey has evolved. I never understood to what extent it would, but today as I look back and reflect, I see the development. The changes and transformation that have taken place have not been easy, but it is a path I have chosen to take for my soul evolution, growth, and desire to help those who are ready to walk the same or similar path.
I share my wisdom and knowledge of spirituality and the path of evolution and growth openly with integrity. The truth is what matters, the truth of who you are and who you have come to be and the destiny that awaits you as you begin your journey.
This is why you are here. First and foremost, for yourself, and then to share, pass on, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and skills. The potential a soul has for development far outweighs any achievement or aspiration on a physical level.
My name Nantah (Nan Ta) means ‘Tower of Light in the South.’ I embody the Christ Light which enables me to connect to the highest of Source energy vibration healing and the wisdom and knowledge of the higher realms to support those who are ready to be freed from their suffering, to be freed from physical dis-ease and illness to create the brightest future as they see it being revealed to them in the Light of The Divine.
I am a voice for Spirit through trance channelling, mediumship, healing, and authoring books. My passion is to teach, to empower, to channel Divine Love to end soul suffering of the past. I am excited to offer you unsurpassed Divine energy healing and wisdom, channelled through me from Multidimensional Beings of pure Light and Love.